5 Reasons to Consider Full Mouth Rehabilitation


Do you avoid smiling? You're not alone. 42% of people say their smile is the first thing they would change about themselves. If you think your smile is less than perfect, our team at Charlotte Dental Implant Center can help. 

Full mouth rehabilitation is an individualized treatment where we improve the health of your entire mouth. Visit our office and we'll assess your current dental health and propose a rehabilitation plan. Our goal is to help you fall in love with your smile again. 

Here are five reasons why you should consider full mouth rehabilitation:

1. Your teeth are worn down 

It’s a fact of life that your teeth wear down with age. Your teeth are strong, but they aren’t invincible. Do you eat hard foods or grind your teeth regularly? Then your teeth are probably not in the best shape. You might even notice a misaligned bite that could potentially lead to an infection. 

There’s a chance you don’t realize you have a problem, as pain doesn’t always occur. That’s why it's important to schedule regular visits. Dr. Ramesh K Sunar, at Charlotte Dental Implant Center, can perform an inspection and watch the condition of your oral health. He can also treat your worn teeth before they cause a serious problem.

2. You have chronic pain 

Chronic pain manifests itself as frequent jaw soreness or headaches on the side of your head. You may hear it referred to as temporomandibular disorder (TMD). TMD causes tenderness and difficulty chewing. The pain and inflammation can even impact your bite alignment and restrict jaw movement.

Are you experiencing any of these problems? Full mouth rehabilitation can treat your bite, chronic pain, and make chewing feel less of a chore.

3. You’re missing teeth 

Are you missing at least one tooth? So are 120 million Americans.The good news is you don’t have to live with missing teeth. 

Modern dental practices have made great strides - there are now several options for replacing absent teeth. Whether it's an implant, partial denture, or bridge. Implants are an excellent option as they're durable and can last a lifetime. They also blend in with your natural teeth so no one will ever know. Our team can help you decide on the best option for you.

4. You have experienced dental trauma 

Life is unpredictable. Your teeth and mouth can get damaged in any number of ways. You could have a tooth knocked out while playing a sport. Or maybe you slip and fall in the bathroom. Whatever the cause or problem, we can replace, repair, and realign damaged teeth. You don’t have to live with a smile you’re ashamed of!

5. You have severe gum disease

Approximately 64.7 million Americans have periodontitis. When gum disease isn't treated, it advances and causes infection and tooth loss. It can even cause systemic health conditions such as sepsis or diabetes. If you have swollen, sore, or bleeding gums, you should seek medical attention. 

Consider a full mouth rehabilitation 

If you suffer from any of these conditions, you should visit us for a consultation. Not only can we help get your smile back, but we can improve your oral health. Don't wait until your pain is intolerable to seek help. Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sunar today!


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