Knowing the Difference Between a Crown and a Bridge


Are you one of the 120 million Americans who has lost a tooth as an adult? Whether this was a result of decay, gum disease, or injury, you may have filled the gap created by the loss with a dental implant, a surgically placed screw that becomes the new “root” for your replacement tooth. 

You may be confused about just what options you have to fill that gap once the implant is in your mouth, but the standard permanent cosmetic replacements for missing teeth are crowns and bridges. 

Unless you’re a dental professional, you may lump these solutions together, but they’re actually distinct devices.  

Dr. Ramesh Sunar and the team at the Charlotte Dental Implant Center are highly skilled at placing both crowns and bridges, and when you visit us, we go over which option might be best for you.

First, give your implant time to heal

Before you choose either a dental bridge or crown to fill the gap between your teeth, it’s important to give your mouth the time to accept your newly placed dental implant and to heal sufficiently.Amazingly, your jawbone heals around your titanium implant post and becomes truly anchored to your jaw. You should allot anywhere from six weeks to several months for this healing process.

How do bridges and crowns differ?

Implant bridges and crowns have several things in common:They both serve to make your mouth look and function better.Their placement results in more comfortable chewing after an implant.They help you speak better by solving the problem of gaps between teeth. They prevent shifting of your teeth, misalignment, and bone loss.Their placement helps you maintain the ability to clean your teeth properly.The main difference between a crown and a bridge is that one fits atop your implant if you’re missing a single tooth, while the other addresses the problem of multiple tooth loss. Crowns, which are often porcelain, are caps that are connected to your implant and made to match your other teeth exactly in terms of shape and shade.An implant support bridge is appropriate when you have more than one missing tooth, As its name suggests, it bridges the void that exists between your natural teeth. Just as he does with a crown, Dr. Sunar can fashion a bridge so it’s indistinguishable from your own surrounding teeth.

Solutions for keeping your mouth healthy and attractive

Whether Dr. Sunar recommends a crown or a bridge for you after your implant procedure, either solution will ensure that your teeth will be easier to keep clean, thus lowering your risk for future decay and infection.These options also mean that you won’t have to suffer any self-consciousness about smiling big during any special event, even if it’s just coffee with a friend. The fact that you don’t have a gap also means that you won’t have to struggle with any facial sagging or asymmetry problems.

Pick the option that’s right for you

Dr. Sunar and our team will guide you through the entire implant surgery, recovery, and healing process, as well as place your dental bridge or crown at just the right time.You can count on us to see you through to your best oral health, no matter which option you choose. Call us to schedule an appointment at 704-559-1774, or contact us via our contact form.


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